
  • 2023 Mar - Current
    Ingrails Pvt Ltd
    Software Developer
    • Built Frontend part of Veda Inventory System (React.js, Redux, Docker, Tailwind, Socket io, Node js )
    • Completely revamped Frontend UI part of Veda Academics and dockerized it (Lit.js, Docker, Tailwind)
    • Built Frontend part of Veda Monitoring System and dockerized it (Vue.js, Pinia, Docker, Daisy UI )
    • Worked on Frontend and backend part of Veda Automation Tool (Node.js, Express, Shell Script)
    • Worked on Intray Project Dashboard Part (Mithril.js, Bootstrap)
    • Made full website of United Academy School (Next.js,Tailwind)
    • Implemented CI/CD using Gitlab runner on many projects
    • Mentored junior developers by providing guidance on coding best practices, technical problem solving, reading documentation, and code reviewing.


  • 2022 Apr - 2023 Mar
    Sunya Health
    Frontend developer
    • Created web application for Sunya health organization using React.js, Tailwind, Redux in front-end side.
    • Containerized application using docker
    • Created landing page using Next.js
    • Deployed the webapp in aws ec2
